Partners for Wichita is...
Pursuing peace and well-being in the Wichita area community by forming partnerships with individuals, communities, helping organizations, neighborhoods, and more…
Together we are discovering our neighbors needs… becoming more aware of communities around us, sharing information, building resources, strengthening efforts for safe, healthy neighborhoods, and working together to meet community needs.
Partners for Wichita through Samaritan Community helps congregations with partnerships to strengthen and encourage their service for the peace and well-being of people in the Wichita area community. Projects include Bags of Blessings and sponsoring special offerings for selected agencies, gathering congregations on featured local missions.
Our Mission
Partners for Wichita is a nonprofit working for the well-being of families and communities by building partnerships among individuals, organizations, businesses and congregations.
Congregations and organizations are growing in awareness of community needs, expressing deeper commitment to community ministry, and finding ministries strengthened by new insights, through service to neighbors.
Through partnerships with other organizations, our efforts are more effective through shared gifts and resources… and we have a sense of community spirit.
Take a look at Partners for Wichita “Projects” and “Events.” Come, be a Partner for Wichita!
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